Located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, just a short drive outside of the Staunton City limits, Cedar Creek Stables holds a unique mix of equestrians and their equine partners. Offering full and field board to any and all disciplines, Cedar Creek Stables is also the home to PATH Certified
Therapeutic Riding Program “Ride with Pride.”
There’s always something going on at Cedar Creek Stables. Whether it’s a schooling show with local dressage chapters, a Ride with Pride session or one of many clinicians, Cedar Creek Stables is full of life year-round.
Visitors are always welcome via appointment with our barn manager. Come ride out on our 100 acres, experience great trails and school our cross-country course that offers jumps from Advanced Green to Training level. Take advantage of our rings, we have a 204’ x 68’ indoor arena, a full-sized dressage arena, and a fully equipped jump arena.